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Zimmer Hans - Collection Piano Solos et P/V/G

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  1. Les plus grandes bandes originales d'Hans Zimmer pour Piano

    Retrouvez une compilation des plus grandes musiques de films de Hans Zimmer qui du Roi Lion à Batman a su devenir l'un des compositeurs préférés d'Hollywood.
  2. Titres : 160 BPM (from Angels & Demons) - Ah, Putrefaction (from Sherlock Holmes) - All of Them! (from King Arthur) - The Burning Bush (from The Prince of Egypt) - Can You Hear Your Heart? (from Winter’s Tale) - Cheldorado (from The Road to El Dorado) - Chevaliers de Sangreal (from The Da Vinci Code) - Corynorhinus (from Batman Begins) - The Dark Knight Overture (from The Dark Knight) - Days of Thunder (Main Title) (from Days of Thunder) - Discombobulate (from Sherlock Holmes) - Doomsday Is Family Time (from The Simpsons Movie) - Dream Is Collapsing (from Inception) - Drink Up Me Hearties (from Pirates of the Caribbean: At World’s End) - Driving Miss Daisy (from Driving Miss Daisy) - Homeland (Main Title) (from Spirit: Stallion of the Cimarron) - Honor Him (from Gladiator) - In the Beginning (from The Bible) - It’s So Overt It’s Covert (from Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows) - Krypton’s Last (from Man of Steel) - Life Goes On (from A League of Their Own) - Maestro (from The Holiday) - The Nativity (from The Bible) - Now We Are Free (from Gladiator) - Roll Tide (from Crimson Tide) - Tennessee (from Pearl Harbor) - This Is Clark Kent (from Man of Steel) - This Land (from The Lion King) - What Are You Going to Do When You Are Not Saving the World (from Man of Steel)

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  • 5
    Avis du 25/12/2020

    Publié par Myriam B. le 25/12/2020

    J’ai fait un heureux 🙂

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