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Wonder Stevie - Great Songs P/V/G

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  1. 19 des plus grands succès de Stevie Wonder en transcriptions piano, voix et diagrammes d'accords guitare. Titres : A Place In The Sun - Boogie On Reggae Woman - Do Like You - Don't You Worry About A Thing - For Once In My Life - Higher Ground - I Was Made To Love Her - I Wish - Isn't She Lovely - Knocks Me Off My Feet - Lately - Master Blasting (Jammin) - My Cherie Amour - Signed Sealed ../...
  2. 19 des plus grands succès de Stevie Wonder en transcriptions piano, voix et diagrammes d'accords guitare. Titres : A Place In The Sun - Boogie On Reggae Woman - Do Like You - Don't You Worry About A Thing - For Once In My Life - Higher Ground - I Was Made To Love Her - I Wish - Isn't She Lovely - Knocks Me Off My Feet - Lately - Master Blasting (Jammin) - My Cherie Amour - Signed Sealed Delivered I'm Yours - Sir Duke - Superstition - Superwoman (Where Were U When I Needed U) - Yester-me Yester-you Yesterday - You Are The Sunshine Of My Life - You've Made Me So Very Happy
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