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Weill Kurt - From Berlin To Broadway P/V/G

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  1. Titres : 1. Weill, Kurt - A Boy Like You (Street Scene) 2. Weill, Kurt - Alabama Song (The Rise and Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny) 3. Weill, Kurt - Bilbao Song (Happy End) 4. Weill, Kurt - Green-Up Time (Love Life) 5. Weill, Kurt - Here I'll Stay (Love Life) 6. Weill, Kurt - It Never Was You (Knickerbocker Holiday) 7. Weill, Kurt - Listen To My Song (Johnny Johnson) 8. Weill, Kurt - Lo../...
  2. Titres : 1. Weill, Kurt - A Boy Like You (Street Scene) 2. Weill, Kurt - Alabama Song (The Rise and Fall Of The City Of Mahagonny) 3. Weill, Kurt - Bilbao Song (Happy End) 4. Weill, Kurt - Green-Up Time (Love Life) 5. Weill, Kurt - Here I'll Stay (Love Life) 6. Weill, Kurt - It Never Was You (Knickerbocker Holiday) 7. Weill, Kurt - Listen To My Song (Johnny Johnson) 8. Weill, Kurt - Lost In The Stars (Lost In The Stars) 9. Weill, Kurt - Love Song (Love Life) 10. Weill, Kurt - Mack The Knife (Threepenny Opera) 11. Weill, Kurt - Mon Ami, My Friend(Johnny Johnson) 12. Weill, Kurt - My Ship (Lady In The Dark) 13. Weill, Kurt - September Song (Knickerbocker Holiday) 14. Weill, Kurt - Sing Me Not A Ballad (The Firebrand Of Venice) 15. Weill, Kurt - Speak Low (One Touch Of Venus) 16. Weill, Kurt - Stay Well (Lost In The Stars) 17. Weill, Kurt - Surabaya Johnny (Happy End) 18. Weill, Kurt - Susan's Dream (Love Life) 19. Weill, Kurt - The Little Gray House (Lost In The Stars) 20. Weill, Kurt - The Saga Of Jenny (Lady In The Dark) 21. Weill, Kurt - There's Nowhere To Go But Up (Knickerbocker Holiday) 22. Weill, Kurt - This Is New (Lady In The Dark) 23. Weill, Kurt - Trouble Man (Lost In The Stars) 24. Weill, Kurt - What Good Would The Moon Be? (Street Scene)
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