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Spirituals And Gospels For Aspiring Singers - Voix Moyenne ou Basse et Piano

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  1. Spirituals and Gospels for aspiring singers pour voix moyenne ou basse et piano

    Cet ouvrage contient 33 chants pour voix haute, permettant de se familiariser à la technique du Gospel. --- Nombre de pages : 112 --- Date de parution : 01/06/16 --- Collection : Schott Vocal
  2. Contenu : - Amazing grace - Balm in Gilead - Calvary - Chilly water - Down by the riverside - Ev'ry time I feel the spirit - Gimme that old time religion - Go down, Moses - Good news - Go, tell it on the mountain - He's got the whole world - I'm gonna sing - It's a me - I've got a shoes - Joshua fit the battle of Jericho - Kumbayah, my Lord - Michael row the boat ashore - My Lord, what a morning - Nobody knows the trouble I've seen - Oh Freedom - Oh happy day - Oh Peter, go ring them bells - Oh, when the saints - Rock my soul - Roll, Jordan, roll - Somebody's knocking at your door - Sometimes I feel like a motherless child - Steal away - Swing low - The Gospel train - This little light of mine - Wade in the water - Where you there
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