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Scottish Folk Tunes +cd (54 Traditionnels Ecossais) - Accordeon

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  1. Scottish Folk Tunes +CD : 54 pièces traditionnelles écossaises arrangées pour accordéon par Ian Lowthian

    54 airs traditionnels écossais (Jigs, Reels, Strathspeys, Slow Airs, Valses, Marches, Polkas...), arrangés pour accordéon par Ian Lowthian. Avec un CD comprenant toutes les pièces musicales. Textes : Français - Angalis - Allemand --- Nombre de pages : 108 --- Date de parution : 01/01/07 --- Collection : Schott World Music
  2. Contenu : - Introduction and Brief History - The Tunes - Scottish Accordion Ornamentation - Jazz Chords for the Left Hand - Reels - The Ale is Dear - The Bobers of Brechin (William Marshall) - The Brolum (Charles Bannaty) - The High Road to Linton - Jenny Dang the Weaver (Alexander Garden) - The Dashing White Sergeant - The Flowers of Edinburgh - The Drunken Piper - The Duke of Perth - The Fairy Dance - Roxburgh Castle - Mrs MacLeod of Raasay - Mrs MacLeod of Raasay (drum kit bass) - Soldier's Joy - Eilidh's Trip in Germany (Ian Lowthian) - Stomach Steinway Man (Ian Lowthian) - Jigs and 6/8 Marches - Angus MacKinnon (Donald Shaw Ramsey) - The Atholse Highlanders - Pipe Major Donald MacLean of Lewis (Donald MacLeod) - Wade's Welcome to Inverness - Donald Iain Rankine (Andrew Rankine) - Drummond Castle - The Earl of Dunmore - Glasgow Gaelic Club - Wee Murdie - Wee Todd - The Jig Runrig (Fergie MacDonald) - Marches and Polkas - The Barren Rocks of Aden - Highland Laddie - Dornoch Links - Lord Lovat's Lament - The Meeting of the Waters - The Lochaber Gathering (George S.MacLennan) - Dugald Torquil MacPhail of Kilberry (Iain MacPhail) - The Hut on Staffin Ilsand (Phil Cunningham) - The Kerrera Polka (Bobby MacLeod) - Strathspeys - The Braes o'Mar - Castles in the Air - Highland Whisky (Neil Gow) - The Laird of Drumblair (James Scott Skinner) - Manymusk (Daniel Dow) - Bob Parson's Strathspey (Ian Lowthian) - Robin Marshall's Strathspey (Ian Lowthian) - Airs and Waltzes - The Boatman (Fear a'Bhàta) - Cailin mo run-sa - The Eternal Surge of the Sea (Donald MacIver) - Fair Jean (Duncan Johnston) - The Mist-Covered Mountains - My Faithful Fond One - Tiugainn do dh'Uibhist - Waltz for Kylin (Dougie Hunter) - Jean and Andy Leonard's Waltz (Ian Lowthian) - Miss Rowan Davies (Phil Cunningham) - Hector the Hero (James Scott Skinner) - Neil Gow's Lament for the Death of his Second Wife (Neil Gow) - Tune titles in aphabetical order - CD Track List
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