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John Elton - Favorites Note For Note Keyboard Transcriptions

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  1. Le top 20 des chansons d'Elton John réunies dans un recueil aux relevés note à note pour piano et claviers.Titres : Amoreena - Blessed - Blues Never Fade Away - The Bridge - Burn Down The Mission - Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Country Comfort - The Greatest Discovery - I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That - I'm Still Standing - Indian Sunset - King Must Die - Levon - Madman Across T../...
  2. Le top 20 des chansons d'Elton John réunies dans un recueil aux relevés note à note pour piano et claviers.Titres : Amoreena - Blessed - Blues Never Fade Away - The Bridge - Burn Down The Mission - Can You Feel The Love Tonight - Country Comfort - The Greatest Discovery - I Don't Wanna Go On With You Like That - I'm Still Standing - Indian Sunset - King Must Die - Levon - Madman Across The Water - Pinball Wizard - Postcards From Richard Nixon - Sad Songs (Say So Much) - Saturday Night's Alright (For Fighting) - Take Me To The Pilot -You Gotta Love Someone
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