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Disney - Great For Cello (violoncelle) - Audio Acces

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  1. Transcriptions faciles pour violoncelle. Titres : A Change In Me (Beauty And The Beast) [Menken, Alan] - Arabian Nights (Aladdin) [Menken, Alan] - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Lilo And Stitch) [Silvestri, Alan] [Keali'i Ho'omalu, Mark] - Honor To Us All (Mulan) [Wilder, Matthew] - I'm Still Here (Treasure Planet) [Rzeznik, John] - Look Through My Eyes (Brother Bear) [Collins, Phil] - Pr../...
  2. Transcriptions faciles pour violoncelle. Titres : A Change In Me (Beauty And The Beast) [Menken, Alan] - Arabian Nights (Aladdin) [Menken, Alan] - Hawaiian Roller Coaster Ride (Lilo And Stitch) [Silvestri, Alan] [Keali'i Ho'omalu, Mark] - Honor To Us All (Mulan) [Wilder, Matthew] - I'm Still Here (Treasure Planet) [Rzeznik, John] - Look Through My Eyes (Brother Bear) [Collins, Phil] - Promise (Millennium Celebration) [Greenaway, Gavin] - Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (Mary Poppins) [Sherman, Richard] [Sherman, Robert] - The Bare Necessities (The Jungle Book) [Gilkyson, Terry] - The Medallion Calls (Pirates Of The Caribbean: The Cures Of The Black Pearl) [Badelt, Klaus] - The Siamese Cat Song (The Lady And The Tramp) [Lee, Peggy] [Burke, Sonny] - Two Worlds (Tarzan) [Collins, Phil] - Where The Dream Takes You (Atlantis: The Lost Empire) [Warren, Diane] [Newton Howard, James] - Yo Ho (A Pirate's Life For Me) (Pirates Of The Caribbean) [Burns, George]
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