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Devienne Francois - Sonate N1 en Ut Min. + Cd - Clarinette et Piano

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  1. SONATE No.1+CD de DEVIENNE F parue aux Editions Henry Lemoine : une partition formidable !

    Réalisation de Jocelyn Sgard, annotations pour la clarinette de Franck Amet, pour le piano de Hugues Leclère. Le CD inclus les trois Sonates de Devienne a été enregistré par Franck Amet (clarinette) et Hugues Leclère (piano). Ce disque compact peut être acheté séparément, référence : 27396D. PresseThese three sonatas from the classical era were originally notated in C with only melody line and bass line. These modern editions (for B-flat clarinet) retain the original printed notes from the clarinet part and therefore the piano part has been transposed down a whole step. This leads to confusion over the name of each Sonata. For instance, the Première Sonate was originally in D minor, not the C minor of this edition. Tuneful and pleasing to perform, these sonatas include few rhythmic or ornamentation difficulties. With upward range only to altissimo E, these works are still valuable for study and performing today just as they were during the early years of the Paris Conservatoire. Highly recommended for early college-level study and recital literature for all. Dr Gregory Barrett, The ClarinetDecember 2011 --- Nombre de pages : 18 + 8 ------ Date de parution : 12/07/2002 ---

    Un ouvrage de la catégorie : PARTITIONS CLASSIQUES POUR CLARINETTE
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