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Compilation - Ultimate Gospel Choir S.a.t.b. Vol.2

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  1. Trente pièces faciles et niveau moyen pour choeur à quatre voix a capela, avec des accords chiffrés Titres : Amazing Grace, Calvary, Come By Here My Lord Kumbaja, Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Give Me Jesus, Go Down, Moses, Go Tell It on the Mountain, Good News In the Kingdom, Great Day, He Never Said a Mumbling Word, I Stood on de Ribber of Jordan, I Want to Be Ready, I’m A-Rolling, I../...
  2. Trente pièces faciles et niveau moyen pour choeur à quatre voix a capela, avec des accords chiffrés Titres : Amazing Grace, Calvary, Come By Here My Lord Kumbaja, Ev’ry Time I Feel the Spirit, Give Me Jesus, Go Down, Moses, Go Tell It on the Mountain, Good News In the Kingdom, Great Day, He Never Said a Mumbling Word, I Stood on de Ribber of Jordan, I Want to Be Ready, I’m A-Rolling, I’m Gonna Sing, I’m On My Way, I’ve Got a Shoes, It’s A Me, King of Kings, Let Us Cheer the Weary Traveler, Look Away, Lord I Want to Be a Christian, Michael Rows the Boat Ashore, Nobody Knows, Oh Peter, Go Ring Them Bells, Oh, Dem Golden Slippers, Rocka My Soul, Show Me the Way
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