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Compilation - Piano Solos Film Music : Costume Film

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  1. Une sélection des 20 plus grands moments musicaux des films en costumes. Transcription piano solo pour niveaux intermédiaires à avancés. Titres : Adagio (Vanity Fair) [Danna, Mychael] - Adela (A Passage To India) [Jarre, Maurice] - An Adoring Heart (Becoming Jane) [Johnston, Adrian] - Andante (Vanity Fair) [Danna, Mychael] - Chasing Sheep Is Best Left To Shepherds (The Draughtsman's Cont../...
  2. Une sélection des 20 plus grands moments musicaux des films en costumes. Transcription piano solo pour niveaux intermédiaires à avancés. Titres : Adagio (Vanity Fair) [Danna, Mychael] - Adela (A Passage To India) [Jarre, Maurice] - An Adoring Heart (Becoming Jane) [Johnston, Adrian] - Andante (Vanity Fair) [Danna, Mychael] - Chasing Sheep Is Best Left To Shepherds (The Draughtsman's Contract) [Nyman, Michael] - Closing Credits (Howards End) [Robbins, Richard] - Dawn (Pride And Prejudice) [Marianelli, Dario] - Did My Heart Love 'Til Now? (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino] - Distilling Roses (Perfume) [Tykwer, Tom] [Klimek, Johnny] [Heil, Reinhold] - Earnest After All (The Importance Being Earnest) [Mole, Charlie] - End Credits (The Portrait Of A Lady) [Kilar, Wojciech] - First Impression (Becoming Jane) [Johnston, Adrian] - Front Titles (The Importance Being Earnest) [Mole, Charlie] - Georgiana (Pride And Prejudice) [Marianelli, Dario] - Juliet (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino] - Ladies (Tea With Mussolini) [Vlad, Alessio] [Arnaldi, Stefano] - Lady Gresham (Becoming Jane) [Johnston, Adrian] - Leaving Netherfield (Pride And Prejudice) [Marianelli, Dario] - Love Theme (Elizabeth) [Hirschfelder, David] - Love Theme (River Queen) [Jenkins, Karl] - Love Theme (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino] - Main and End Titles (Cyrano De Bergerac) [Petit, Jean-claude] - Main Titles (Dangerous Liaisons) [Fenton, George] - Main Titles (The Age Of Innocence) [Berstein, Elmer] - My Father's Favourite (Sense And Sensibility) [Doyle, Patrick] - Orchard House (Little Women) [Newman, Thomas] - Pelle Eroberen (Pelle The Conqueror) [Nilsson, Stefan] - Perfume - Distilled (Perfume) [Tykwer, Tom] [Klimek, Johnny] [Heil, Reinhold] - Romeo (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino] - Runaways (Becoming Jane) [Johnston, Adrian] - Sarah's Theme (River Queen) [Jenkins, Karl] - Selbourne Wood (Becoming Jane) [Johnston, Adrian] - Stepping Stones (River Queen) [Jenkins, Karl] - Streets Of Paris (Perfume) [Tykwer, Tom] [Klimek, Johnny] [Heil, Reinhold] - The Feast At The House Of Capulet (Romeo And Juliet) [Rota, Nino] - The Road To The Workhouse (Oliver Twist) [Portman, Rachel] - Valley Of The Shadow (Little Women) [Newman, Thomas]
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