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Compilation - It's Easy To Play Gospels

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  1. La collection It's easy to play contient des arrangements faciles à lire, simplifiés, de titres célèbres d'un artiste ou d'un genre musical pour piano/chant avec symboles d'accord de guitare. Titres : Deep River - Do Lord, Oh Lord - Ev'ry Time I Feel The Spirit - Go Down, Moses - Gospel Train - Hush! Someboby's Callin' My Name - I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray - Joshua (Fit The Battle Of Jer../...
  2. La collection It's easy to play contient des arrangements faciles à lire, simplifiés, de titres célèbres d'un artiste ou d'un genre musical pour piano/chant avec symboles d'accord de guitare. Titres : Deep River - Do Lord, Oh Lord - Ev'ry Time I Feel The Spirit - Go Down, Moses - Gospel Train - Hush! Someboby's Callin' My Name - I Couldn't Hear Nobody Pray - Joshua (Fit The Battle Of Jericho) - Joshua Fight The Battle Of Jericho - Mary Had A Baby - My Lord, What A Morning - Nobody Knows The Trouble I've Seen - Soon I Will Be Done - Steal Away - Steal Away (Steal Away To Jesus) - Swing Low, Sweet Chariot - There Is A Balm In Gilead - There's A Man Going Round - Walk Together Children - Were You There?
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