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Compilation - Great Scottish Songs (100) + Cd

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  1. Les 100 plus belles chansons écossaises réunis en un recueil de poche. Textes intégraux et ligne mélodique et accords tous instruments. Titres : A Man's A Man For A' That - A Peer Rovin' Lassie - Ae Fond Kiss - Air Falalo - Aud Lang Syne - Birniebouzle - Bleacher Lass O' Kelvinhaugh - Boat Me O'er To Charlie - Bogie's Bonnie Belle - Bonnie Dundee - Bonnie George Campbell - Bonnie Glen Sh../...
  2. Les 100 plus belles chansons écossaises réunis en un recueil de poche. Textes intégraux et ligne mélodique et accords tous instruments. Titres : A Man's A Man For A' That - A Peer Rovin' Lassie - Ae Fond Kiss - Air Falalo - Aud Lang Syne - Birniebouzle - Bleacher Lass O' Kelvinhaugh - Boat Me O'er To Charlie - Bogie's Bonnie Belle - Bonnie Dundee - Bonnie George Campbell - Bonnie Glen Shee - Bonnie Wee Jeannie - Broom O' The Cowdenknowes - Buy Broom Beesoms - Ca' The Yowes Caller Herrin'- Cam' Ye By - Cam' Ye O'er Frae France - Charlie Is My Darling Comin' Thro' The Rye- Coulters Candy - Dainty Davie Dumbartin's Drums- Haughs O' Cromdale - He Widna Want His Cruel - Hishie Ba' - Ho Ro! My Nut Brown Maiden - I'll Lay Ye Doon Love Jock O' Hazledean- John Anderson, My Jo - Johnnie Cope - Johnny Lad Kelvin Grove - Killiecrankie - Laird O' The Dainty Dounby - Land O' The Leal - Lassie Wi' The Yellow Coatie - Leezie Lindsay - Lewis Bridal Song - Loch Lomond - Loch Tay Boat Song - Lochnager- Macpherson's Rant - Maids When Your Young - Mally Leigh - Mary Mack - Mary Of Argyle - Mccoll - Mickey's Warning - Mingulay Boat Song - Mormond Braes - My Ain Folk - My Harry Was A Gallant Gay - My Name Is Jock Stewart - O I Am A Millar Tae My Trade - O My Love Is Like A Red Red Rose - Plooman Laddies - Rattlin' Roarin' Willie - Scots, Wha Hae - Skye Boat Song - Sound The Pibroch - Tae The Beggin - The Balena - The Band O' Shearers - The Bank O' Bennachie - The Banks O' Red Roses - The Barnyards O' Delgathy - The Bonnie Lass Of Fyvie - The Bonnie Ship 'Diamond' - The College Boy - The Dowie Dens Of Yarrow - The Flowers Of The Forest - The Forester - The Four Maries - The Gallowa' Hills - The Gypsy Laddie - The Lea-rig - The Lichtbob's Lassie - The Merchant's Son The Great Silkie - The Night Visiting Song - The Road To Dundee - The Rovin Ploughboy - The Rowan Tree - The Shearin's No For You - The Trooper And The Maid - The Twa Corbies - Tramps An' Hawkers - Twa Bonnie Maidens - Twa Recruittin' Sargeants - Van Dieman's Land - Wae's Me For Prince Charlie - Wark O' The Weavers - What's A' The Steer Kimmer - Whistle O'er The Lave O't - Will Ye Gang Love - Will Ye Go Lassie Go - Will Ye No Come Back Again? - Ye Banks And Braes - Ye Jacobites By Name
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