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Compilation - Big Vol.of Ragtime Piano Over 60 Classics
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- Les plus grands moments du ragtime pour niveau intermediaire.
Titres : A Black Smoke [Johnson, Charles L.] - A Breeze From Alabama [Joplin, Scott] - A Ragtime Nightmare [Turpin, Tom] - American Beauty Rag [Lamb, Joseph] - Bethena [Joplin, Scott] - Cabbage Leaf Rag [Copeland, Les C.] - Champagne Rag [Lamb, Joseph F.] - Cracked Ice Rag [Cobb, George L.] - Dimples [Colburn, L.E.] - Doc Brown's Cake Walk [Johnson, Charles L.] - Elite Syncopations [Joplin, Scott] - Eugenia [Joplin, Scott] - Euphonic Sounds [Joplin, Scott] - Excelsior Rag [Lamb, Joseph] - Felicity Rag [Jopin, Scott] [Hayden, Scott] - Fig Leaf Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Fizz Water [Blake, J Hubert] - Grace And Beauty [Scott, James] - Harlem Rag [Turpin, Tom] - Heliotrope Bouquet [Joplin, Scott] [Chauvin, Louis] - Hoosier Rag [Niebergall, Julia] - Invitation Rag [Copeland, Les C.] - Kinklets [Marshall, Arthur] - Kismet Rag [Joplin, Scott] [Hayden, Scott] - Kitten On The Keys [Confrey, Zez] - Magnetic Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Maple Leaf Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Mashed Potatoes [Woolsey, Calvin Lee] - Palm Leaf Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Peace And Plenty Rag [Scott, James] - Peacherine Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Pickles And Peppers [Shepherd, Adaline] - Pine Apple Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Pleasant Moments [Joplin, Scott] - Pride Of Bucktown [Roberts, Robert] - Quality Rag [Scott, James] - Ragtime Nightingale [Lamb, Joseph Francis] - Razzazza Mazzazza [Pryor, Arthur] - Reflection Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Scott Joplin's New Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Sensation Rag [Lamb, Joseph] - Slippery Elm Rag [Woods, Clarence] - Something Doing [Joplin, Scott] [Hayden, Scott] - Sunburst Rag [Scott, James] - Swipesy [Jopin, Scott] [Marshall, Arthur] - The Buffalo Rag [Turpin, Tom] - The Cascades [Joplin, Scott] - The Chevy Chase Rag [Blake, James Hubert 'Eubie'] - The Easy Winners [Joplin, Scott] - The Entertainer [Joplin, Scott] - The Lily Rag [Thompson, Charles] - The Music Box Rag [Roberts, C Luckyth] - The Nonpareil [Joplin, Scott] - The Pippin [Marshall, Arthur] - The Ragtime Dance [Joplin, Scott] - The Thriller Rag [Aufderheide, May] - Tickled To Death [Hunter, Charles] - Tiger Rag [La Rocca, D.J.] - Too Much Mustard [Macklin, Cecil] - Twelfth Street Rag [Bowman, Euday Louis] - Wall Street Rag [Joplin, Scott] - Weeping Willow [Joplin, Scott] - Wild Cherries Rag [Snyder, Ted]
--- Nombre de pages : 304 --- Date de parution : 15/10/09 --- Collection : BIG BOOK OF
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