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Bowie David - The Collection The Words And Chors To Over Fifty Classic Songs

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  1. David Bowie The Collection: The Words and Chords to over fiflty classic songs

    Dans cette compilation, on trouve les paroles et accords de chansons qui sont sélectionnées dans la plupart des albums de Bowie . Titre: Absolute beginners Alabama song Aladdin sane All the young dudes Always crashing in the same car Ashes to ashes Blue jean Boys keep swinging Can't help thinking about me Changes China girl Cracked actor D.j. Day-in day-out Dead man walking Diamond dogs Drive-in saturday Fame Fashion Five years Golden years Hallo spaceboy Heroes John, i'm only dancing Jump they say Let's dance Life on mars? Love you till tuesday Loving the alien Modern love Moonage daydreams Never let me down Oh! you pretty things Queen bitch Quicksand Rebel rebel Rock 'n' roll suicide Seven Silly boy blue Sorrow Sound and vision Space oddity Starman Strangers when we meet Suffragette city The buddha of suburbia The jean genie The man who sold the world The width of a circle This is not america Thursday's child Time Tvc15 Under pressure Unwashed and somewhat slightly dazed Velvet goldmine Wild is the wind Young americans Ziggy stardust Un ouvrage de la catégorie : partitions de variété internationale

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