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Beatles The - Piano Solos 2nd Editions

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  1. 22 adaptations piano solo niveau intermédiaire des plus grandes chansons des Fab Four. Titres : All My Loving - All You Need Is Love - And I Love Her - Can't Buy Me Love - Eleanor Rigby - Golden Slumbers - Good Day Sunshine - Good Night - Hello, Goodbye - Here, There And Everywhere - Hey Jude - If I Fell - In My Life - Lady Madonna - Let It Be - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Michelle ../...
  2. 22 adaptations piano solo niveau intermédiaire des plus grandes chansons des Fab Four. Titres : All My Loving - All You Need Is Love - And I Love Her - Can't Buy Me Love - Eleanor Rigby - Golden Slumbers - Good Day Sunshine - Good Night - Hello, Goodbye - Here, There And Everywhere - Hey Jude - If I Fell - In My Life - Lady Madonna - Let It Be - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Michelle - The Fool'on The Hill - The Long And Winding Road - When I'm Sixty-four - Yellow Submarine - Yesterday
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