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Beatles - First 50 Songs By The Beatles You Should Play On The Piano

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  1. First 50 Songs By the Beatles : Les partitions des plus grandes chansons des Beatles pour pianistes débutants

    50 chansons incontournables des Fab Four en transcriptions piano solo facile. Pour chaque titres vous trouverez les paroles complètes ainsi que les accords internationaux. 160 Pages - ==>SORTIE OFFICIELLE LE 19/09/2016
  2. Titres : Across The Universe - All My Loving - All You Need Is Love - And I Love Her - Blackbird - Can't Buy Me Love - Come Together - Day Tripper - Dear Prudence - Don't Let Me Down - Eight Days A Week - Eleanor Rigby - The Fool On The Hill - Get Back - Good Day Sunshine - Got To Get You Into My Life - A Hard Day's Night - Hello, Goodbye - Help! - Here Comes The Sun - Here, There And Everywhere - Hey Jude - I Saw Her Standing There - I Want To Hold Your Hand - I Will - In My Life - Lady Madonna - Let It Be - The Long And Winding Road - Love Me Do - Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds - Michelle - Norwegian Wood (This Bird Has Flown) - Nowhere Man - Ob-la-di, Ob-la-da - Paperback Writer - Penny Lane - Revolution - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band - She Loves You - Something - Strawberry Fields Forever - Ticket To Ride (Help!)Twist And Shout (Ferris Bueller's Day Off) - We Can Work It Out - When I'm Sixty-Four (Yellow Submarine) - While My Guitar Gently Weeps - With A Little Help From My Friends (The Wonder Years) - Yellow Submarine - Yesterday

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    Avis du 17/12/2021

    Publié par Claudine v. le 17/12/2021

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