Paroles, accords pour guitare et de clavier.
24 titres All you need is love, Back in the USSR, A day in the life, Dear prudence, The fool'on the Hill, Get back, Glass onion, Good morning good morning, Hey jude, Honey Pie, Lady Madonna, Let it be, Lovely rita, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Magical mystery tour, Martha my dear, Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Penny Lane, Revolution, Sgt. Pepper's l../...
Paroles, accords pour guitare et de clavier.
24 titres All you need is love, Back in the USSR, A day in the life, Dear prudence, The fool'on the Hill, Get back, Glass onion, Good morning good morning, Hey jude, Honey Pie, Lady Madonna, Let it be, Lovely rita, Lucy in the sky with diamonds, Magical mystery tour, Martha my dear, Ob-la-di Ob-la-da, Penny Lane, Revolution, Sgt. Pepper's lonely hearts club band, she's leaving home, strawberry fields forever, When I'm sixty four, With a little help from my friends.