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Compilation - The Essential Film Collection 28 Film Classics

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  1. Les plus grands thèmes du cinéma en arrangements piano solo niveau intermédiaire. De nombreuses exclusivité dont les 7 mercenaires et chariots de feu Titres : Any other name (from American beauty) - Batman - The battle (from Gladiator) - Blade runner - Cavgatina (from the Deer Hunter) - Chariots of fire - Cinema pardiso - The circle of life (from The Lion King) - Dances with wolves - The English patient - Gabriel's Oboe (From the mission) - Ghostbusters - Goldfinger - The great escape - Hedwig's theme (from Harry Potter and the philosopher's stone) - He's a pirate (From Pirates of the caribbean) - The imperial march (From the Empire stikes back) - James bond theme - La forza des destino (from Jean de Florette) - Lawrence of Arabia - The magnificent seven - (Meet) the Flintstones - Midnight cowboy - Over the rainbow (From the Wizard of Oz) - The ring goes south (From the Lord of the rings) - Rocky - Superman - Tubular ells (From the Exorcist) Date de parution : 15/10/09 --- Collection : Musique de film
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